Garden Café

December 1, 2021

Garden Café

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 10

I got a great walk in this morning.  It was another beautiful day start!

At noon, we met Aunt Mavis at the Garden Café in downtown Yuma.  The restaurant, outside in a terraced yard, was under the trees.  It was lovely!  The food was delicious.  There were so many things we would have liked to try and so, we will have to go back another day!

Afterward, Tim and I browsed in the small shops in town.  We did some Christmas shopping and Tim found the ice cream shop open…he is trying all the date shakes in town, looking for the best of the best.  So far, the Imperial Date Farm is the winner!

After such a big lunch, we had a light dinner.  Tim went to the campground clubhouse to join the guys for three ball…a pool (billiard) game.