The Teccas

November 27, 2021

The Teccas

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 6

I took my morning walk along the river.

While Tim biked, I ran errands and did a little holiday shopping.  It is hard to think of Christmas when it is always warm and sunny…but Thanksgiving has passed and so it is time to prepare!

This afternoon, we went back to Naked Dates.  On Saturdays from 3pm-5pm they have live music.  Today’s group was the Teccas, a duo from Montana though, half of the duo was ill, so, we had the pleasure of listening to Scott Tecca.  He played the acoustic guitar skillfully and had a rich singing voice. 

We had smoked pulled pork sandwiches with slaw and pickles and they were very tasty!  Later, Tim had his date shake.

I love to watch older people dancing together.  The gentleman guiding his partner across the floor, the two perfectly in sync after years of moving together.  It makes my heart happy!

Scott told the story of his original song, “ Whiskey in Heaven.”  He wrote this song to help himself heal after the tragic suicide of one of his good friends.  Years later, it still makes him choke up as he performs.  We could feel it too.  It was raw and honest and real.  If you are curious…you can find his song on YouTube.

Scott, as I mentioned, is from Montana.  He made it clear that he would not be spending another winter there.  Today in Wellton, Arizona it was 80 degrees with 9% humidity and a light breeze with bright sunshine in a cloudless sky.  It was a perfect day…in every way! I think we might go back to Naked Dates…maybe next Saturday!

The sun was setting as we headed home. Incidentally, the tractor trailer in the picture was loaded with crates of broccoli, picked here in these farm fields, one of several trucks traveling the road to Yuma this evening!