Camping At Picacho Peak

November 23-24, 2021

Camping At Picacho Peak

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 1 and 2

Tuesday morning, I began my walk under densely clouded skies.

I even felt raindrops!  We have been in Yuma for a month and this spitting was the first rain we have had.

We came back to stay in Yuma because we had our credit card compromised while we were in Tucson.  We needed an address where we could receive our new cards.  We decided to return to a place that we knew.  We have since decided to stay here through December 13th when we will prepare to fly to Atlanta for the holidays.  We feel like this will make things a little smoother.  When we return to Arizona after the New Year, we will travel around a little more.

Tuesday afternoon we packed for another overnight camping trip in the desert.  We went back to Picacho and explored the maze of 4WD trails outside the park. 

We saw burros, their white muzzles are a stark contrast against the rocky mountains, making them easy to spot!

We took a spur off the main road and drove up and over a small berm.  We found ourselves in a bowl surrounded by rock formations.  As we walked around, we realized the view from the ridge was spectacular and so that is where we set up camp.

Tim loves his Jeep shirt!

Tim’s campsite video!

The sunset was magnificent.  It was hard to take it all in because we were surrounded by changing color on all sides.

We went to bed early.  It was really cloudy and the moon had not yet risen so it was very dark.  At around midnight, the wind began to blow pretty steadily.  We were battered for a couple of hours before the winds calmed and we slept.

We were awake at 5 am.  The moon was surrounded by a perfect halo of light…a moon ring that forms when light is reflected off of ice crystals.  We had never seen this before…gorgeous! We slept again until 7 and then it was time for coffee and a fire.  As I was sipping my coffee, I noticed an animal high on the ridge.  A bighorn sheep stood stock-still; his distinct silhouette visible in the morning light.

A morning video as well!

We spent all morning wandering on trails. 

We saw more burros.  These mamas were braying at us.  They were not happy to have visitors.

We had a great day exploring and as always, we were searching for our next campsite…

Our credit card was delivered and so the rest of the day was spent updating accounts with new information.  All is good now!