Back To Picacho!

November 18-19, 2021

Back To Picacho!

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 24 and 25

Best wishes for a wonderful birthday Andrea!  We love you!

We had no ill effects from our COVID boosters.  We did our morning exercise and then packed up for another tent camping experience.  We wanted to go back to Picacho.

18 miles on gravel washboard to the park.

The campsite that we really wanted was already taken.  We found a spot near the river and spent a pleasant afternoon.

Tim spotted this kingfisher.

Tim also spotted this coyote.

Another amazing sunset.

The moon was full and gorgeous.

We got up at 12:30 and we were able to see the partial lunar eclipse.

The coots were a hoot!  They chattered and bickered and splashed among the reeds ALL night long!  We heard owls and burros and coyotes and other water birds as well…Tim heard them…I actually slept!

This morning we wandered down 4WD trails and through washes, enjoying, as we always do, the desert scenery.

We saw burros and a deer.  We stopped to have our breakfast.  This is an area we want come back to explore and do some more tent camping.

After we got back to the RV…it was chore day!  We cleaned the RV and the Jeep and our gear and washed clothes and did all that normal chore day stuff!