Overnight At Picacho State Recreation Area

November 8-9 2021

Overnight At Picacho State Recreation Area

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 14 & 15

On Monday morning we completed our morning exercise and walking.  After that, we took an 8-mile bike ride along the canal.

Our real adventure began when we drove the loaded Jeep across the desert on Picacho Road.

24 miles – only the first six of which are paved. 

We arrived at Picacho State Recreation Area and we took the Railroad Canyon 4WD trail to the River Overlook.

We continued along the Colorado River through the park.

We found our campsite at 4S Beach Camp.  We have visited this park twice before; each time as a day trip.  To stay the night is to be immersed and offers an altogether unique experience.

These are the reasons for tent camping at Picacho:

Premium riverfront camping on the mighty Colorado

Scooting coots calling and scuttling across the water

Migrating birds in precise vee formation

Snowy white egrets patiently stalking prey

Elegant osprey gliding above the path of the river

Ravens cawing from their roosts in the rocks

Current and flow of the rippling water

Images cast in the crystalline surface

Silver fish jumping

Cool and silty sand beneath my feet

Corn tortillas and savory omelets stuffed with spicy chorizo and cheddar and peppers and onions


Absolute stillness punctuated by the comical hee-hawing of wild burros

Howling coyotes at dusk and dawn

Twinkling night sky and the glowing of the crescent moon

Stunning blood orange sunrise

Camping here on the river is such a stark contrast to desert camping.  The flora is emerald green and the trees offer shade from the blazing sun…the difference is life-giving water.

We lingered this morning in part to let our dew dampened tent and bedding dry…it was also hard to leave.

This mama and her foal watched us warily.

We took Indian Pass Road several miles through a sandy wash and then climbed a rough rocky road out of the bottom.

Our breakfast spot.

We unpacked and spent a lazy day relaxing.