East Canal Bike Trail

November 4, 2021

East Canal Bike Trail

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 10

I started my day with a 3.5-mile walk.  Later in the morning, we packed our bike bags with ice water and set out to cycle the East Canal Trail.  When we left the RV Park, there was no wind.  As we pedaled, the wind began to blow.  I could feel the push from behind and we easily made it to the southern end. 

When we headed back, we had the slightest headwind and it didn’t hinder us at all.  We did 14.25 miles.  We felt strong and good when we got back!  Unfortunately, when you are riding a bike, it is really hard to take pictures.  I did get one.

This evening, we went to downtown Yuma to the Pint House.  I tried a really nice mango cider and Tim had a peanut butter stout.  The beverages were great and dinner was okay.

After eating we went for a joy ride across the farm fields and down by the border wall.  There is still a large section left unfinished.  The wall makes me feel sad.  I understand the need to do something…Tim calls it a necessary evil.  We realize how fortunate we are to be living on this side.