November 1, 2021
Sunset In The Foothills
Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 7
We started the morning in the usual way…with exercise and walking.
Tim wanted to take a long 14-mile bike ride to the nearby town of Somerton. I agreed to go and fetch him with the Jeep. His ride took him parallel to the wall and then entirely through farming country. He thoroughly enjoyed the scenery and the effort that it took to get there.

I was going to run to the grocery store for dinner stuff for this evening. I jumped out of the car and immediately realized that I had locked the keys inside…what to do??? Uber of course…what a lifesaver. Enrique picked me up within 4 minutes and took me back to the RV where I was able to retrieve the extra Jeep keys and then Enrique drove me back to the store…crisis averted/managed! I grabbed groceries and hurried off to Somerton to meet Tim.

We had a picnic lunch in the park under the water tower, watching the hummingbirds flit about.

This evening we packed the cooler with roasted chicken and Havarti and raw veggies and grapes and an herb and garlic bread and we set off. We drove to the Fortuna Foothills, arriving just as the light began to change.

We watched the sunset as we feasted. This was the best part of today!