October 23-24, 2021


Ajo Heights RV Park Ajo, Arizona

On Saturday, we got our workouts done and then had a quiet day.  

Tim saw this javelina in town by the Family Dollar Store…in fact all of the wildlife we have seen this past week has been in town!

After lunch, we packed the Jeep for one more overnight tent camping trip in Ajo.  We wound our way through the labyrinth of trails off Rasmussen Road, trying to find our way back to a campsite we spotted the other day.  Lucky us…we found it easily and no one else found it first!

We set up and relaxed into the evening with a nice bottle of red wine. 

Another glorious sunset.

The moon didn’t rise until around 9pm.  The night sky was so dark and there were millions of stars, another dazzling evening. The Orionid meteor showers peak this week and we were hoping to see them but the moon was just too bright.

We slept well and enjoyed our morning, slowly packing gear.  It was a short ride to get back to the RV park. 

Tim spent his day watching NASCAR and football and I got caught up with laundry and life stuff. We had grilled venison burgers for our dinner…thanks Kyle!! We went into town to walk around the square; a nice ending to a very good day!