Charlie Bell Pass

October 22, 2021

Charlie Bell Pass

Ajo Heights RV Park Ajo, Arizona

At one o’clock in the morning we were serenaded by a whole pack of coyotes. They were very close., though when I got up to look, I couldn’t see them in the campground.

Another snake, a small one this time, on my morning walk.

We packed the Jeep and headed down Rasmussen Road.  We wanted to see the more northern portion of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge.  I had read that it was more common to see wildlife in this area, particularly the Sonoran Pronghorn.

We saw a small fawn just as we were leaving pavement.   We drove 17 miles into the remote wilderness and we saw only chipmunks.

We came to a gate at the pass and there we were forced to turn around.

We ate our lunch standing in the desert.  It is just so desolate and to me, beautiful.

We took a couple of BLM roads looking for another campsite.  We want to do one more sleepover before we leave Ajo.  The weather is just too perfect.

This evening, we headed to Bud Walker Park for a Halloween movie event. We watched LIGHTS OUT, a creepy movie, under the stars. There was good free popcorn and I really enjoyed the experience of being there.