Taking Care Of The Mothership

October 14-15, 2021

Taking Care Of The Mothership

On Thursday morning I had an opportunity to take a good walk through Picacho Peak State Park. I made sure to do 4 miles because I wasn’t certain I would have a chance to be very active once we drove into Phoenix.

We had an appointment for engine service for Friday morning. We were hopeful when we arrived that they might be able to take us early…but Cummins was swamped. We were able to stay at Camp Cummins, an electric hookup site in the parking area.

Tim chose to get the RV washed and it was going to be a couple of hours before they could get to us. Tim asked if I had some shopping to do…I grabbed my pedicure flip flops and went in search of a salon. The RV and I were finished at the same time.

I spent the rest of Thursday relaxing and reading…a luxury for which I am truly grateful! We went out to get salads for our dinner. Later we went out again to get a few items from the grocery.

Friday morning we had to set an alarm to get up and ready. We only had to drive across the lot to drop off the coach.

Our first stop was to get a nice cup of pumpkin spice latte. Then we headed to Friendship Park to walk. I walked more than 4 miles. We had our breakfast at the park.

We waited most of the day at Cummins. They have a gazebo where we were able to stay. The day was beautiful and I had a book! We walked to the Taco Taco truck for lunch. The barilla quesadillas were amazing.

At 2pm we settled our bill and took off in the RV. She was clean and serviced and ready to go! We drove 80 miles south to the small town of Ajo. We spent some time here last winter and really liked the vibe of the place. We arrived after 5. The camp host told us there was a festival and car show in town this weekend. We drove into town in time to see the old cars and trucks coming out. They are supposed to be there again tomorrow. We took a short walk around the square. We are looking forward to spending some time here again.