Alstrom Point

October 4, 2021

Alstrom Point

Antelope Point Campground Page, Arizona

My morning walk took me along the edge of Lake Powell. The water levels here are very low…154 feet below full. In 2011 the water was 107 feet down. In just the past year, the surface level of the lake is 50 feet lower than that.

We stayed an extra day here in Page…we were not sure how we were going to spend it. We tried to book a half day river rafting trip but they were sold out. I happened to notice a BLM office to the north and what looked like a bunch of 4WD trails. We went over the Glen Canyon Dam and into Utah.

At the BLM office, we were given a map to Alstrom Point…and off we went. The first part of our journey took us through some desolate muddy colored rock formations.

We took a side trip to Crosby Canyon.

This road led us to the edge of Lake Powell.

We both liked the look of this giant rock. We parked the Jeep and hiked around it.

Back on the main road and we saw these free range cattle. In such a harsh environment, it is hard to imagine what they find to eat.

We stopped for lunch on the crossroads to Alstrom Point. We were not sure if we were going to quit or continue. I showed Tim the map and the pictures…we couldn’t turn around yet.

It was only another 7 miles to the point and the pictures were so pretty…the last 2 miles took us a long time. The road was considerably rougher and required 4WD to climb the slick rock.

But the views when we got there were worth it!

The light was changing as we headed back, making everything glow.

We got back to Page at 5 o’clock, having put in a full day on the trail, we were tired and hungry. We stopped at the grocery for a few supplies and some ready made chicken and salads.

I always hate to turn around before the end of the trail…you never know what you might be missing…today I am glad we made the choice to get to the end!