October 28-29, 2021
Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 3 and 4
As usual, we began our day with exercise. I walked a little more than 4 miles, Tim did his stretching and then took a long bike ride.

At 10am Jose and his wife, Norma, were there to install our new slidout covers. We were happy with the quality of the work and the customer service was outstanding!

We packed the Jeep for another overnight tent camping trip.
We drove the 60 miles to Kofa Wildlife Refuge. Maybe because this was one of the first places that we really explored the desert in the Jeep or maybe because it is truly so beautiful…but this is one of my favorite places to be here in southern Arizona.

We took the spur road from Palm Canyon Road to Queen’s Canyon.

We were able to choose the prettiest site, one with an open view of the valley below and surrounded by rock formations.

Tim’s Nightly Nature Talk!
Before dinner I decided to take a walk. I hiked down the center of the rough road. When we are out in the desert, it is important to be mindful. You never put feet or hands where you cannot see them…not under rocks or bushes. The critters that live here own this place! I watch every footfall. I wanted to walk about a half mile and then I was going to turn back. I was fairly close to the mark when I noticed movement in the path up ahead.

I believe that this is a desert tarantula. They are not deadly though if they bite…it hurts! Their fangs are 1 cm long. From May until October, the males traverse the desert looking for a mate. They become active around sunset and are nocturnal. I was far enough away to be completely safe. I used the zoom on my cell and took the first picture.

Fortunately, I also had my camera. I was able to use the zoom to capture these images. I wish that I had thought to take a video. I was mesmerized watching this guy traipse across the gravel. When he stopped moving, I knew that I had worn out my welcome. I did not want to further aggravate him and so I stepped away. What a thrill to see this spider in his own habitat!

Tarantulas and rattlesnakes and scorpions are the reason we bought a roof top tent. I am not going to lie…I was a little creeped out when I got back to the campsite. I was checking the area for crawling creatures all evening. I preferred to sit with my feet up off the ground!
The sunset was again lovely.

The night sky was dazzling. We were far enough away from the city and the moon had not yet risen. The whitewash of the Milky Way, the glittering stars were wondrous. I never want to lose that sense of awe. I always want to be caught breathless by spiders, sunsets, and stars.
We enjoyed our morning coffee by the fire and then decided to drive the Jeep into Queen’s Canyon. We have been here before with Kyle and Allison and being here brought back lots of fun memories.

The skull.

We got back to the RV around lunchtime and spent most of the day being lazy. Tim did take a 10-mile bike ride all the way to the corner where Arizona and California meet Mexico.
I didn’t go and walk until this evening when the sun was less severe. I really do much better when I get my walking done first thing.