Moving On

July 30, 2021-September 14, 2021

Moving On

These past weeks have passed in a blur.  We had a quick week at home before we drove to Atlanta, with my mom, to visit with David and Dre and the boys.  My mom hadn’t been to see the children in more than a year and a half and this visit was overdue.  We spent weeks playing. 

Oliver drew the rainbow and the rain and the sun….because that’s how you make rainbows of course!

We had so much fun with Stomp Rockets…only Gigi landed hers on the roof!

I spent hours and hours in a suoer hero cape and mask. Most often, I was Flash…who can run really fast!

Apparently, gingerbreadmen are not just for Christmas anymore!!

We celebrated Oliver’s 5th birthday.

New Spiderman bike…no training wheels on this one!

We had such a wonderful visit and too soon, it was time to make our way back to Maryland.  We stopped overnight in Henderson, NC; Tim’s hometown.  We picked up BBQ from Skipper’s and took it to Kerr Lake for a picnic.

In Reisterstown, we had lots of time for sharing meals with Kyle and Allison and she joined me most every morning for walks.  Tim loved feeding garden scraps to “his ladies”, the six chickens, who got all kinds of excited when they saw him coming.  He also enjoyed collecting the six eggs each morning and he will miss that when we are on the road.

Kyle and Allison are buying our house.  We have made the decision to travel fulltime in the RV.  We have been “most of the timing” for three years anyway…this just makes it official.  The two weeks that we spent at home in September were completely devoted to packing up our “old” life…lots of trips to Goodwill, lots of trashcans full of stuff, lots and lots of boxes, and one full king-sized storage unit. 

Sorting our things and giving things away…simplifying our lives…felt incredibly liberating…freeing!  Most everyone says they are envious but we wonder if they REALLY are.  We have no reservations or regrets.  You cannot make this kind of decision and feel uncertain.  This feels like the right thing for us right now.  We will travel and when the time comes for us to make a choice about where we will land more permanently, we will formulate a new plan.  There is no pressure to decide now.  It kind of feels like we have run away to join the circus!  Wanderlust, the pull of the road…is so compelling for us as we leave our home behind and embark on a new sort of adventure.  From now on, home will be wherever we find ourselves together.