Abiquiu Reservoir

September 28, 2021

Abiquiu Reservoir

Riana Campground Abiquiu, New Mexico

When we got up it was cold inside the RV and outside it was 32 degrees with frost on the ground.  Not only that, but there was a blanket of thick fog.  We decided to forgo our walking and exercise this morning and just leave!   Of course, as we pulled out the fog began to lift!

We took a very narrow and curvy scenic ride to Taos. 

Once in town, we found a Smith’s grocery that had everything that we wanted.  It was still early in the day.  We traveled on.  The terrain changed with scrubby desert flora like pinion trees, creosote bushes, sagebrush, and lots of low growing cactus. 

We traveled through the Rio Grande River Gorge…the view was gorgeous!  The road followed the bends in the river for miles.  We saw men flyfishing and people in a rubber raft negotiating the strong current and the rocks.

We could see the storm from along way away…we only got a few sprinkles though.

We arrived at Riana Campground at the Abiquiu Reservoir and settled in.  We enjoyed a sushi picnic and then some quiet time.  It rained for a short while and then we went for a hike.

The Abiquiu Dam is an earthen dam.

Rainbow at dinnertime.

After dinner I took another walk.

Tim joined me to watch the sunset.