Cycling On The Riverwalk

July 29, 2021 Cycling On The Riverwalk

Riverside Campground Montgomery, Pennsylvania

I walked in the campground along the Susquehanna River.  The water was mirror calm this morning.

We packed lunch and took our bikes into Williamsport. 

Our first stop was the Little League World Series Field.  It is beautiful!

We biked on the Riverwalk, a paved trail that followed the river.  We rode on the northern side to the end. 

We crossed the bridge and road into South Williamsport.  We rode to the end of the path and crossed another bridge back into town. 

The trail continued to the east and we found a picnic area.  We were there just a couple of minutes when we felt the first drops of rain.  We hastily packed up and lit out of there.  We were 2 miles from the Jeep.  We got rather wet…but it was warm rain and we had dry shirts in the car.

The rest of the afternoon, it rained.  We took naps and read.

By dinner time, the rain had ceased and the sky turned blue.  We grilled fish tacos for our dinner.  Tomorrow we are heading home.  We both have follow-up appointments and a few other tasks that we need to accomplish.  We will be home for a week and then we are going to see David and his family in Atlanta.  We aren’t sure yet when our next adventure will begin…but you can be sure that it won’t be long!

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