The Apple Farm

July 25, 2021 The Apple Farm

The Apple Farm, Victor, New York

One last walk up the hill.  It was cool and cloudy and I felt good and so I walked 4 miles this morning.

We are grateful for rain, especially when a great deal of the country could use it!

What in the world are these strange bugs???

Early morning critters.

We traveled along Seneca Lake through Geneva and across to Canandaigua up to the little town of Victor.  We chose a Harvest Host site, The Apple Farm, for our campsite tonight.  This is a working apple farm with a really nice gift shop.  We bought some goodies and then spent some time resting this afternoon. 

We took the bikes into the town of Victor and rode along Main Street.  We found the Auburn Trail, a multiuse path, and followed that for a short time.

We had a simple dinner of delicious apple butter, peanut butter and crispbread with watermelon for dessert.  We sat outside enjoying the ambiance of this place. We enjoyed talking to Roxy and Matt from Texas. They left Portland, Maine this morning and are on their way home. It is always fun to share stories with people who love to travel. Safe journey and travel blessings!

Tim talking to the goats.
