Pine Creek Trail

July 20, 2021 Pine Creek Trail

Canyon Country Campground Wellsboro, Pennsylvania Day 2

A morning walk on a country lane.

Today’s adventure was the Pine Creek Trail.  This was originally a well-worn footpath walked by Native Americans.  Later when the area was used for logging, it became a railroad.  Now it is a rail trail; a multiuse trail for cyclists, hikers, and equestrian riders.  You could travel 62 miles in the bottom of the gorge or Pennsylvania’s Grand Canyon.

We packed our lunch and took our bikes to Darling Run Access Area.  We rode 10 miles south.  We saw several waterfalls.

The current of the creek is fast and furious.

A hawk.

A bald eagle.

Another bald eagle…or maybe the same eagle…

Tim taking a picture of me taking a picture of the bald eagle!

The grade on the way was downhill…but barely.  We wondered if we were going to be able to tell the difference when we turned around and went back to the Jeep.  The change in elevation was so gradual that we only needed to drop one gear and we were able to pedal back easily. 

This trail is really a treasure and I completely enjoyed our day.  It made my heart and soul happy; though my legs are tired!