
July 17, 2021 Roadblock

Kane RV Sites Kane, Pennsylvania Day 3

More rain…relentless, heavy rain…all morning!  I could have wrapped up in a raincoat and taken an umbrella to go out and walk but it was sheets of rain…yuck!

Tim went to NAPA and was able to find the parts and then fix the headlight.

At 12:15, the rain stopped.  I got ready quickly.  The forecast showed a dry window until about 2pm…on your mark, get set, go!

I decided to make two laps around the park and get 4 miles in.  I knew that it was supposed to rain again all afternoon.  I did 3.33 miles in 60 minutes.  I did an additional mile but at a slightly slower pace and finished 4 miles in just under 73 minutes.  I am starting to move faster and that is COOL!

Tim was ready to get out of the RV for a while.  We went for another Jeep ride on forest service roads…still in search of the perfect tent camping site. 

With all the recent rain here, the streams are running fast and muddy!

We drove through the forest for about two hours and we still hadn’t found anything worthy.  We were ready to go back and it was intermittently raining.  The first road that should have led us out of the forest and to the main road was gated.  We found another way out.  We were less than a mile away from the highway when a driver coming from the opposite direction stopped us to tell us that the road was impassable.  A tree, he said, had fallen across the road, obstructing our route.  We wanted to go and see it for ourselves.  It was actually 4 large oak trees.

The ground is so saturated that the trees just tipped over.

Just as we had resigned ourselves to a really long drive back through the forest, another truck approached from the opposite direction.  The guy in the truck had called his cousin Joe, and he reported that he was the calvary on the way to rescue us.  Now this guy was weaving and bobbing and sipping a beer.  My vote was to start back.  It was a really long ride…maybe an hour and a half.  If the obstruction was removed, we were less than ½ mile from the highway.  Tim wanted to wait and see what happened next.  Cousin Joe showed up in about 20 minutes.  It was immediately clear that he knew how to use a chainsaw.  His chain was sharp and the saw cut through the large trees like butter.   

In 15 minutes, the road was clear.  Tim and the other guy worked to move the debris from the road and finally we were on our way again.   

On the way back to the RV, Tim suggested dinner out.  This is the third night in a row…that NEVER happens.  We returned to Table 105 where we enjoyed another delicious meal.