Rimrock Trail

July 13, 2021 Rimrock Trail

Dewdrop Campground Allegheny National Forest Warren, Pennsylvania Day 2

It was raining again…I put on Tim’s raincoat and when the rain slacked off, I went for my walk.  I think that we are going to start mildewing or sprouting moss; it is so very moist here!  It did stop raining and I was able to walk my three miles after all.  Sometimes, you just have to make yourself!

A campground host with a sense of humor….soft tacos…hahaha!!!

Later in the morning, we hiked the Rimrock Trail.  It was rated easy to moderate.  Although the climb was initially gradual, it was 1.3 miles up the hill.  We saw several deer.

So many moths flying about today.

And a chipmunk that was very brave and quite close to the trail.

The last quarter mile was particularly steep and there were small steps to climb to get to the overlook.  It was pretty albeit cloudy. 

Breathtaking views from the top.

We were standing on the rocks at the top and Tim considered climbing down when he noticed a ball of snakes.  We think they are ribbon snakes.

Tim caught me peering over the edge at the snakes…such a cool thing to find!

Lots of cool mushrooms…wish I knew which ones were edible…neither one of us wanted to be a taste tester!

We went back to the RV and packed lunch and took it back to Jake’s Rocks.  This is the only place that we have phone service.  We needed to make reservations for the weekend and we had other calls to make as well.  We also posted the blog.

It was late afternoon when we got back.  We had wanted to have an overnight tent camping experience but the forecast was for rain and we decided to try on Wednesday instead.  We were very glad that we changed our plans.  At 5pm there was thunder and lightning and heavy rain.  It rained all evening. 

We have been lucky to spend at least part of everyday outside.  Hopefully tomorrow we will have some sunshine!