The Best Part Of The Day

The Best Part Of The Day

July 11, 2021 Chapman State Park Clarendon, Pennsylvania Day 2

We knew that the forecast was for rain.  I walked the perimeter of Chapman Lake, 2 miles all the way to the end and then back.  Good rolling hills and beautiful views of the water made it a really great way to start the day. 

Canadian geese are park residents, much to the chagrin of the rangers and the people who come to use the beach.  The geese really like it here and consider this their home.  They can apparently become quite aggressive.  There are flyers posted in the park encouraging visitors to be “Goose Busters”.   The rangers have tried several legal ways to get the geese to leave.  They have used pyrotechnics, trained dogs, and other aversive methods.  Each works for a while and then, once the geese become accustomed to whatever nasty noise or visual disturbance, they go right back to it…frightening guests and claiming the beach.  Rangers want people NOT to feed the geese and instead to harass them, by clapping, waving arms, and yelling at the geese.  People are also welcome to return during hunting season…

The geese like to sit on the overflow dam.  Yesterday every step was filled with geese.   Today, only the top step was occupied.

As I got back to the campground there were a few drips of rain.  Tim finished his workout and then hopped on his bike to cycle around.

We decided to drive into town which wasn’t very much and then we drove a little further into Warren.  This is the home of a large oil refinery.  We found a small grocery store that had decent produce and we found a wine store and our shopping was done.  It started to really rain.  We debated having lunch in town but we knew that we could eat a lot healthier if we went back to the RV instead.

It rained all afternoon.  A nice day for reading and embroidering and napping.