Las Vegas

March 28, 2021 Las Vegas

Oasis Las Vegas RV Resort Las Vegas, Nevada

Our campsite last night was very quiet.  The sky was bright with moonlight, the stars faded into the blackness beyond.  I know that I could have gone for a walk down the lane without a flashlight!

A memorial along the lane.

We took our time driving back out to the main road, traveling at about 5mph.  This truck and trailer was loaded with cowboys replete with chaps and horses saddled and ready to ride.  Several men and horses got out a long distance behind us and then they passed us again and let out this last guy.  This is a free-range area for cattle.  The cowboys had lasso ropes on their saddles.  It might have been fun to watch them work!

The approach to Vegas from Route 93 is a spectacular ride.  The mountains are steep and gorgeous with deep canyons.  You can see Lake Mead off to the east and then the Colorado River snaking along to the west. 

We drove over the Pat Tilman Bridge at Hoover Dam.  The dam wasn’t visible from our vantage point but we could see the river below it.

The Vegas skyline from the highway.

We spent the afternoon resting and then we took a bike ride through the campground and in the surrounding area. After being submerged in the southwestern desert for the past three months, the aura of Las Vegas is almost a culture shock for us. The traffic, the congestion, the landscaping bright with flowers, the emerald green grass, the highrises, the fountains; all the things that make Vegas…Vegas! We won’t walk the strip with the throngs of people. We won’t gamble in the casinos. We won’t go see the shows. We are in Vegas to have the Jeep serviced…then we will move on.

We did go for a nighttime ride down the strip to look at all the lights. Lots of glitz, glamor, opulence, money, and shiny stuff!

Tonight is a full moon, a super moon, the worm moon. The Native Americans called it the worm moon because it is at this time of year that the earth begins to soften.