Windy Day

March 24, 2021 Windy Day

Blue Water RV Park Parker, Arizona Day 3

When we got up in the middle of the night it was really cloudy. There was a smattering of stars and the moon appeared misshapen.

We slept well. We were surprised that there was NO wind. We enjoyed our coffee by the morning fire and took our time packing our gear.

We took a detour into this canyon…fun ride!

Breakfast spot.

The CAP or Central Arizona Project is a diversion canal that is more than 330 miles long. Water is moved from the Colorado River to the central and lower portion of Arizona below Tucson.

We noticed as we drove onto the blacktop that there were puddles of rainwater on the asphalt. We were lucky to have missed that kind of downpour!

As we drove, the wind began to blow. There were gusts above 22mph. We were glad to be safe and warm in the RV today!

This evening we grilled bison burgers. The wind had subsided. After dinner, we took a walk along the river as the sun went down.

We may decide to stay out overnight tomorrow. If so, we will post on Friday!