
March 22, 2021 Parker

Blue Water RV Resort Parker, Arizona

Another sunny and windy morning!  Laps around the campground to get 7,000 steps.  I wasn’t sure what the day might be like so I wanted to get a good start.

We took off and dropped down to 95S to warmer and less windy climes!

We rode through scruffy desert with mountains always on the fringes of the horizon in every direction. 

We stopped for breakfast just over the railroad tracks.  The train came by while we were eating.  There were 135 cars.  We watched the train snake its way toward the mountains.

We passed from Nevada into California and then into Arizona.

The railroad bridge over the Colorado at Parker.

We camped at Blue Water RV Park at the Blue Water Casino in Parker, Arizona.  We have never camped at a casino before.  We have no interest in going in to lose our money…we have other things we would much rather do!  The view from our site is lovely!  We are just steps away from the Colorado River.

I spent the afternoon running errands in town.  Tim took a bike ride. 

This evening we took a picnic outside.  We sat in the sunshine and enjoyed the balmy breeze.  We like it here and we hope to stay until the end of the week!

I walked down to the river’s edge after dinner.  There were Canadian geese, coots, Muscovy ducks and this big white duck.  He sat not far from my feet and posed for pictures.  He is very used to being near people.

We plan to take a Jeep ride tomorrow and find a nice tent camping site.  We won’t post until Wednesday!

The casino and resort is an enterprise of the Colorado River Indian Tribes.