Camping In The Alabama Hills

March 18, 2021 Camping In The Alabama Hills

Alabama Hills Dispersed Camping Lone Pine, California

Another walk in the Owens Lake Area.

We got the RV filled with propane before leaving the campground.  Then, we headed back to Alabama Hills.  I followed Tim in the Jeep.

Yesterday when we were here exploring, we saw so many neat camping spots.  There were lots of places it would have been nice to go tent camping and other places that were large enough to camp in the RV.  Because we are at 4,000 feet, it is still really cold at night.  It was Tim’s idea to bring the RV and find a campsite.

We spent the day just enjoying our surroundings.  We watched jet fighters practicing, we watched the oddly shaped rocks change color with the changing light.  Tim took a walk and ended up climbing boulders.  I was making tuna and boiling eggs when I got a phone call to come outside and look.  Can you find him in the picture…he climbed way up there!

We took a walk around the rock formations.

We watched a pair of climbers clamber up the rockface.

We even took naps this afternoon which we rarely do.

We grilled chicken feta burgers and ate by the campfire.

We watched the sky change colors and listened to an owl calling across the expanse.

The stars started to pop and the air began to chill.

We had a wonderful, restful day.

2 thoughts on “Camping In The Alabama Hills

  1. Hi guys!!! Looks like you are having a great time. For some reason, I am not receiving your pics.
    I miss not seeing them. Maybe it’s on my end. Have a great rest of your trip and I’ll be looking for more posts. Stay safe.

    1. We checked on the site and pictures appear to be okay…hope the problem on your end has been resolved!! Hope you are all doing well!

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