Snow In The Desert

March 12, 2021 Snow In The Desert

Sunset Campground Death Valley National Park Death Valley, California

I was tired this morning and cold and I easily could have skipped the walk altogether…but I needed to go and I did.  I hiked a short distance toward the Kelso Dunes and when the sand got really soft and deep, I went back to walk on the paved road.  I walked about one mile from the RV and it started to spit.  I turned around and was surprised to see dense clouds and the rain started to come harder and then it began to snow!  Okay people at home…you can laugh at us now.  We have desperately been trying to avoid the cold and definitely to avoid the snow…

It was snowing still as we pulled out to the main road…big fat flakes!

We stopped for our breakfast at the Historic Kelso Train Depot.  We didn’t get out of the RV…it was chilly.

Further up the road, the clouds became brooding and intimidating.

Above 3,000 feet we began to see Joshua trees and SNOW.  It was actually really pretty.

We drove into the small town of Baker.  We stopped at the Baker Market for eggs, bread, and milk.  Here we fueled the RV with diesel for $4.59 a gallon.  The Shell station had a charging center for Teslas.  There were four cars plugged in…we are in California!

Baker’s claim to fame is that they have the world’s largest thermometer.

The road from Baker to Death Valley is a scenic route.

We have been to Death Valley before.  We have heard from other people that they do not like it here. There is nothing here but sand and rocks they have said. But, we really like it.  There are lots of opportunities for hiking and 4WD adventures.  We also want to do another tent camping overnight.

Tim spent the afternoon poring over the maps and making plans!