Desert Nomads

March 4, 2021 Desert Nomads

Palm Canyon RV Resort Borrego Springs, California Day 7

I took a walk through the State Park again this morning.  No critter sightings today…maybe because I was talking on the phone with Mom and then with a good friend.

Tim took a bike ride while I got food ready for our overnight trip.  We packed the Jeep with pillows and blankets and coolers and off we went!  We went back to the trail with the severe drop-off.  We easily made it down the chute and into the bottom of the Borrego Badlands.  We had picked out two potential camping spots.  We stopped at the first canyon and took a good hike up the tidy bowl slide and into a long wash.  The climb was a bit of a challenge but I figured it out and was proud of myself for getting up there!

We decided to drive further and get a camping spot in Hawk Canyon.  When we got there, it was full!  There were two large groups of campers…right where we wanted to be.  It was almost 3pm.  We were debating going back to the first place…what to do!?!  We backtracked for a short distance and found the perfect spot about 100 feet from the main trail. 

We made our dinner, enjoyed wine, music, and a fire. 

It was so quiet.  An owl or two called from the cliffs from across the road, the hooting reverberating pleasantly across the wash. 

Staying here was a great decision.  The moon did not rise until late.  The sky was very dark.   The area was very open and when the stars came out it was…WOW!!  A stunning stargazing night.