Severe Drop-off Ahead

March 2, 2021 Severe Drop-off Ahead

Palm Canyon RV Resort Borrego Springs, California Day 5

I started my morning by watching the moon set over the mountain.  In my first shot, it looked like a smudge on the picture.  When I downloaded pictures this evening, I saw that it was a hawk.  It is not a perfectly clear image…but it is kind of awesome so I included it.

Yesterday, I decided that I really wanted to do the three-mile Borrego Palm Canyon Trail.  The bighorn sheep are usually spotted in this area during the day.  I really wanted to see the sheep.  I parked at the trailhead.

This is not a hike that my younger self would have attempted.  I might have done part of it but I would have let my own fears and anxieties take over and I would not have made it to the end.  The trail was a “gentle” hike but it was filled with rock obstacles and I had a lot of climbing to do!  It is a well-traveled and well-marked trail.  Even so, there were very few people out so early.  I got into a rhythm and was able to walk at my own pace.  I stopped often to absorb my surroundings.  My senses were heightened and I noticed the faint breeze on my face, the warm sun on my back, the fragrance of desert lavender, the buzzing of bees busy pollinating, the sounds of my footsteps, lizards scurrying across my path, swarms of small white butterflies.  It was a time for quiet introspection.  I felt solace and peace and inner strength and self-confidence.   I am physically stronger than I have been in a long time.  Even though I never did see bighorn sheep, I feel like I found something even more important, something I didn’t know that I was looking for.  The pictures are stunning…but being there was magical.

I met a volunteer who told me that the season has been so dry and the creek has not been nearly as full as usual.  The lambs have been born but the sheep are not coming here as often.  She also told me that the scant wildflowers that are blooming are likely to be all there are.  March rain could change that but unless there is some rain, the seeds and plants will stay dormant until another time…maybe next spring…maybe the spring following.

When I got back, we packed a cooler and went for a ride.  We intended to go to The Slot and take a hike through a slot canyon in the bottom of the Badlands.  When we arrived, the parking lot was nearly full.  We knew that it was only a ¾ mile hike in a narrow space.  We elected not to hike because of the crowd.  The map showed a Jeep trail to the left.  There was a warning sign at the beginning of the road…Warning:  Severe drop-off  1 mile ahead.  The route was one-way.  Of course, we wanted to try it.  What does a severe drop-off look like?  Let’s go and see.  We thought that if we needed to, we could always turn around and carefully make our way back.  We were certain that we wouldn’t be the first to do that!  We could see in the distance a long steep ramp leading into the bottom of the Badlands.  Could this be the severe drop-off?  Yes, it was steep, but we have done harder, steeper slopes.  Tim put the Jeep in 4WD low and we creeped down into the wash.  What fun!  The video and the pictures do NOT show the true grade of the slope…just trust us…it was steep!

When we were watching the sunset over the Badlands yesterday, I was wondering what it would be like to drive in the bottom.  It was amazing!

We found a really beautiful canyon campsite…maybe our next tent camping spot!?!

We drove through the wash and up to a lunch spot.

We drove into Hawk Canyon and took a short hike.  Another possible tent camping site…so many beautiful choices!

We took Grapevine Canyon Road to Jasper Trail.  There, we were treated to spectacular views.  We saw a coyote darting between the scrubby bushes and then across the trail in front of us. 

Finally, we were on pavement again.  Route S-22 is a winding road that took us from 4,000 feet of elevation down into the valley of Borrego Springs at 760 feet.  We had a great day!

Tim voted for carryout from The Red Ocotillo.  He had salmon with mashed potatoes and spinach with mushroom and carrots.  I got a chicken cobb salad.  Our food was fresh and delicious!

2 thoughts on “Severe Drop-off Ahead

  1. Good Morning! The pictures are awesome, and yes, I am still enjoying them. I can’t help but wonder what you would do if one of those critters you talk about would come after you during your morning walks…or any other time. It seems very scary to be. Do you carry any form of protection?
    When I read some of your posts, I realize how brave you guys are!! I could never do it!! I would be having so much anxiety and fear. I’m happy for you. Keep exploring and sending pics; I love them.
    Stay safe. 🙂

    1. We are not brave…we just try not to be fearful. We also try to make smart decisions. These animals don’t want anything to do with us and we are vigilant and always give them wide berth…they live here…we don’t!! Our sense of curiosity and wonder is just too strong not to get out there and enjoy!

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