Salvador Canyon and Middle Willows

February 28, 2021 Salvador Canyon and Middle Willows

Palm Canyon RV Resort Borrego Springs, California Day 3

We got up with the sun.  It was in the low 40’s overnight and a morning fire felt good.

We packed the tent and took another couple of Jeep trails.  We traveled the rough rocky road to Salvador Canyon and then another rougher rockier road to Middle Willows.  We picked a pretty spot for breakfast.

We got back to the RV at about lunchtime.  It took some time to unpack and clean and reorganize our gear.  Tim spent the rest of the afternoon watching NASCAR.  I rested and worked on the blog.  We really just needed a day to lay low.

5 thoughts on “Salvador Canyon and Middle Willows

  1. Anita & Tim
    While reading your post of Sunday 2-28-21, especially the end, it made me laugh. I thought it must be very tiring driving, hiking & camping as you enjoy all that wonderful scenery, wildlife & culture not to mention the weather. I really feel sorry that you have to endure all those things when you could be back home living it up in the snow, freezing rain, rain, sleet & cold cold temps. LOL!!.
    Anita, at the end of each post you always have something that you find on line which seems to fit with that day’s adventures. Nice touch.
    Looking forward to your next post.
    Curtis Bradsher

    1. We were so happy to hear from you. It is a good thing that we can communicate back and forth with you like this. You and Janice have been in our thoughts. We know that you had planned on moving this spring and we hope that things are going well in that regard.
      Much love to you both,
      Tim and Anita

  2. Anita,
    So nice to meet you and Tim in our travels on the night of the 27th and morning of the 28th! Great to chat. What a small world that you were a nurse where my mother went to school (and my sister, too, for 1 year)!
    Very cool idea about a blog…food for thought when we get to that retirement time too! Maybe we’ll kick it around prior to.
    Safe travels and looking forward to living vicariously with/through you guys!
    Ali & Curtis

  3. Anita – will you guys still be in the area the weekend of 3/13/21? We are planning on 4WD and camping in Olla Wash in Anza Borrego…we could meet up.
    Ali & Curtis

    1. Oh how we wish that would work!! We are leaving Borrego Springs on Monday the 8th. We are headed to north and hope to be in Death Valley by the weekend of the 13th. Maybe Las Vegas and the North Rim after that…we aren’t very into planning way ahead but if you see something else that might work…please don’t be afraid to contact us! Enjoy camping in Olla Wash…it is beatiful. Make sure to hike to the wind caves and drive through Sandstone Canyon…you can even hike further in if you want.

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