February 21, 2021 Getting Ready To Go
Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 7
I got up and started the laundry and then went to run errands. I wanted to be out and get done before everyone else got out of bed or out of church. I got groceries and water and gas and mailed some cards at the post office. I spent most of the morning getting the clothes washed and dried.
Tim fixed the shower drain.
We needed to get our exercise in. Tim wanted to ride bikes but it was very windy, 16mph with gusts. It isn’t that fun to ride in that kind of wind. I wanted to walk. So, Tim decided to ride the 13 miles to Somerton. That way, the wind would be at his back. In the meantime, I walked 4 miles in the park and then left to go and get him. Win – win!
This afternoon we did some organizing and cleaning and reading and relaxing. Neither of us took any pictures today…very unusual.
Tomorrow we leave Yuma and will travel to southern California. We will probably stay at Mountain Palm Springs Campground, a remote campground in the wilderness. It is part of the Anzo-Borrego State Park and is just north of Ocotillo. We have liked staying here at Riverfront. It was much quieter and more friendly and closer to West Wetlands which made it so much easier to walk and bike.
I am not sure if we will have internet to post the blog for the next several days but we will get caught up again as soon as we reach civilization!