Meeting Good Friends

February 12, 2021 Meeting Good Friends

BLM EC 633 Winterhaven, California

I began the day with an uneventful walk along 85 in Ajo.

The campground has this amazing little cactus garden. It is always filled with birdsong.

Today was moving day.  We traveled north on 85 and stopped at a wayside to have breakfast.  We were in the Barry Goldwater Range.  We watched 4 jets practicing tactical maneuvers.  We could see the pilots dive low and then we saw bursts of smoke coming from the ground several miles away.  The aircraft would then climb dramatically before veering sharply to the left and then the next jet would come through, executing the exact flight pattern.  We could hear loud rumbling noises.  It was thrilling to watch.

We stopped in Yuma to get groceries and supplies.  We also filled the RV with fuel.  We are going back into southeastern California and we remembered that fuel was nearly 4.00 a gallon there.

This evening, we camped off road on BLM EC 633 where we camped 2 weeks ago.  We were joined a short while later by our good friends Lee and Claudia.  We had a wonderful evening with great conversation, wine, appetizers, a campfire, chicken feta burgers, pizzelles and chocolate covered strawberries.  After our meal, we stood together looking at the stars.  We are looking forward to adventuring with our friends this weekend!