The Morning After

February 10, 2021 The Morning After

We took our time this morning. We enjoyed hot coffee by a warm fire. We could already feel the warmth from the rising sun.

We decided to explore some more gravel roads. In a couple of miles, we found ourselves at the backdoor of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. We are exempt from paying the fees because we have the senior pass. We were looking for a view to go along with our breakfast.

We passed by this water station. Anyone passing through the desert is welcome to get water here.

A short distance later we found this rescue station. Anyone needing assistance, is able to push the button and help will come. Many people walk over the Mexican border and pass by this way. No matter what your views and beliefs about immigration…we must remain humane and we cannot let people to die in the desert.

More pretty scenery.

We climbed up to a ridge and had our breakfast.

Border Patrol has a strong presence here. We could see two vehicles watching.

We were back in Ajo shortly before lunchtime. We stopped at the Ajo Farmers Market and Cafe for breakfast burritos stuffed with eggs and chorizo…huge portions and excellent!!

I liked the message on the window.

This town gives humanitarian aid to people passing through They have a Good Samaritan network. The restaurant is also affiliated with a food pantry for people who could use a little extra help. This town has a good message to share and a good vibe. We like it here.

Back at the campground, I paid to stay another two nights. The host was asking about our tent camping experience. Somehow, we started talking about rattlesnakes. Last summer, there were 8 rattlesnakes in the campground. There was also the incident with the Mojave green. A woman was exiting her RV and going to get into her car. Her husband was coming down the steps and saw a Mojave green aggressively strike out at his wife. He whipped out his firearm and killed it…wow! We had heard that rattlesnakes start to emerge in February. I was told by Kathy, that although they will come out now to sun themselvs during the day, they don’t really become active until May.

This evening we took a picnic dinner to the town square. It felt odd to see green grass!

We took a walk around town.

More from Artist Alley

We drove to the Ajo Mine Overlook. This was the first copper mine in Arizona. Spaniards mined here in the 1750’s. The mine is no longer active.

The Ajo Museum

1 thought on “The Morning After

  1. Good Morning. So happy for you that your camping experience went well! I Love this artwork!
    And I love the scenery, especially the cactus. Stay safe and enjoy!

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