February 7, 2021 Ford Canyon Trail
I enjoyed the morning outside in the fresh air. No humidity, warmth, sunshine again…it is snowing at home…
We decided to go for a really good hike. We had FaceTime with the grandkids this morning and we were talking to them about cacti. We took some pictures to send to Ollie so he could see.
This hike was listed as a moderate hike. There were long sections of fairly flat and smooth trail mixed with patches of rockier terrain. Even so, we had no trouble negotiating our way. We made it to the portion of the trail that gets more difficult…two diamond difficult. At that point we had hiked for 3 miles. We both felt good enough to keep walking but we also knew that we had to walk all the way back. Something I read yesterday about trail hiking that I had never seen written before made a whole lot of sense; “When half you water is gone, turn around.”
What a truly nice day to be outside.
Because we were not on our home network…we were not abe to stream the game as we had hoped. Tim watched live highlights and the score of the Super Bowl as it was played.
I fixed grilled shrimp and little sweet peppers stuffed with feta and fig and cheddar and bacon. Our fancy feast made it seem a little festive.
The sun had already gone down by the time I thought to take a picture.
It’s getting dark now and we can see the lights of Phoenix twinkling in the distance. I love that this park feels really wild and remote but the city is just a few miles away.