Ironwood Trail

February 6, 2021 Ironwood Trail

White Tank Mountain Regional Park Surprise, Arizona

After we completed our morning exercise, we packed up the RV and left on 10E. 

We camped at White Tank Mountain. 

We have stayed here once before but only for an overnight.  We didn’t really get to explore or enjoy the park.  This is a beautiful place with lots of cactus varieties.  It is green and lush compared to the desert in southern Arizona and southern California. 

We sat out in the sunshine for a short time this afternoon.  It was 71 degrees.  Not too bad for February!

We went for a nice hike this afternoon.

Curly spined California fire barrel

Teddy bear cholla

Strawberry hedgehog cactus

This evening, the city of Phoenix, below us in the valley, was bathed in pink light.  The skyscrapers were gleaming. 

Home Sweet Home…

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