Cibola NWR

January 31, 2021 Cibola NWR

Oxbow Campground Palo Verde, California

I took my morning walk in the desert.  I walked about a mile and decided to turn back because I could no longer see the RV. 

I walked in the other direction and started to see lots of animal prints in the areas with thick vegetation, the areas that get more moisture because they are depressed in the desert floor, washes and other low-lying areas.  I think that the majority of the critters live here where water and food are a little more available.

We had a short ride today. 

We were looking for another site in the desert but we didn’t see anything ideal.  We drove on to Oxbow Campground.  It is part of the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.  We found a spot on the Colorado River.  We saw a roadrunner and gambel quail in our campsite.  Later in the day, a hummingbird was peering at his reflection in the RV mirror.  He kept coming back.  He even stopped to admire our US map.

After lunch and quiet time, we took the Jeep to explore.  We have been here before but it is a nice ride on the riverside. 

We took a Jeep trail or two.

We drove to the Cibola Lake Overlook.

Access to Cibola Lake is closed from September to March. This is an important habitat for migratory birds. Today we saw a flock of white pelicans.

On the way back to the RV we saw this small raptor. We were not sure what it was though Tim guessed it might be a kestrel. The American kestrel is the most common small falcon in North America. I am not sure that I have ever seen one! It is a beautitful little bird….the picture is inadequate!

We prepared spaghetti squash with onions and mushrooms and tomatoes and ground turkey in a savory marinara.