Sheep Canyon

February 28, 2021 Sheep Canyon

Palm Canyon RV Resort Borrego Springs, California Day 2

I began my day with a walk in the Anza-Borrego State Park. 

There was a nature walk through the desert where I saw lots of cottontails.

I walked the trail all the way to their campground and then headed back to the RV.  We packed up and headed out for another tent camping overnight. 

We stopped at Galleta Meadows.  Life-sized sculptures that seem very at home in this barren desert environment.  We saw tortoises, mammoths, a t-rex and the very famous serpent.

We traveled on 4WD trails through Coyote Canyon to Sheep Canyon.

We setup camp and we were just a little disappointed to realize that it was going to be noisy and crowded.  We stayed though. Our 4pm wine helped us to relax and enjoy.  We had an early fire and then ate our omelets as the sun set.  We met the couple that stayed next door.  It was nice to have conversation with other people. 

We watched the snow moon rise over the mountains.  At first, we could only see an eerie glow but then the moon revealed itself full and lovely. 

We had some very strong winds after midnight so that we can honestly say the tent has been wind-tested. 

Our neighbors yesterday gave us a trail book to look at.  We found this quote and we love it.  It says just what we have always thought.  There are people who think the desert is just a bunch of sand and rocks.  I think you might know which desert we see.  I wonder what your choice might be?

Borrego Springs

February 26, 2021 Borrego Springs

Palm Canyon RV Resort Borrego Springs, California

I began the day with a walk at Ocotillo Wells.  I carried the trash to the dumpster and then walked along the highway to the ranger station.  Then I trudged along the sandy OTV/ATV trail back to the RV.  It was hard work!  But it was a gorgeous morning and it felt great to be out and about.

This is a designated park for off-road driving.  There is a training center for children here as well.  We could hear people out on their buggies at 1am.  It was so beautiful and the moon was illuminating everything.  It must have been very cool to ride in the desert last night!

We traveled the short distance to Borrego Springs. 

We knew there was a farmers market on Friday morning and we wanted to do some shopping.  We got fresh strawberries and asparagus and oranges and the tiniest sweetest yellow cherry tomatoes…like candy!  We also got falafel and hummus and avocado feta dip and tamales.  I love a good outdoor market and I love to shop for good quality fruits and vegetables.

We went to the Chamber of Commerce and got maps of the area.

We checked into the RV park and got the washer started. 

Then, we took a bike ride.  The way from our campground into town is all downhill…almost no pedaling required.  The way back was way harder.  It is a 2-mile gradual climb…but I made it without getting off my bike.  Progress is being made!

I went back to town with the Jeep to get some wine and a couple of groceries.  We are camping out again tomorrow night and we needed a few things.

This evening we had roasted corn, chicken, and cheese tamales from the tamale lady.  They were tasty!

Don’t look for Saturday’s blog until Sunday.  We plan to tent camp in Sheep Canyon tomorrow night.  We saw this place two years ago and wanted a way to find a way to stay there…now we can!

Morning Hike

February 25, 2021 Morning Hike

Ocotillo Wells SVRA Borrego Springs, California Day 2

We were awake as the sun began to come up.  I was happy to wait for the sunshine to find our little canyon.  I didn’t get up until I could hear the fire crackling and I could smell the coffee.

We decided to hike Sandstone Canyon this morning.  We were trying to see what was at the end.  We walked for two miles before turning around in surrender.  Though the canyon is often busy with Jeeps, last night and this morning, we had it all to ourselves.

We found a place in Olla Wash to have our breakfast.

We headed home to the RV and were back by noon. 

This evening we grilled shrimp fajitas with frijoles and mango for dessert.

The sun was setting.

The moon was rising.

Tomorrow we are moving to the town of Borrego Springs.

Sandstone Canyon Adventure

February 24, 2021 Sandstone Canyon Adventure

Ocotillo Wells State Vehicle Recreation Area Borrego Springs, California

I was awake early and could see the sky lightening and changing colors so I got up to watch the morning show.

One more walk in the wash.  Today I spotted a jackrabbit hiding in the shadows of a bush.  He was fairly far away and he stayed absolutely still.  From a distance, it looked like he had three ears.  His left ear was torn.

Leave only footprints…right next to the coyote prints…

I love these red breasted birds.

We took the highway from Julian to Ocotillo Wells SVRA.  The road is a bit of a wiggle waggle and the scenery is gorgeous.  We passed a couple of brave cyclists on these twists and turns.

This afternoon, we left the RV at Ocotillo Wells with the Jeep loaded for adventure.  We have been to Sandstone Canyon twice before.  We love to see new places but it is also wonderful when you keep coming back to a place because of its beauty.  It is amazing when you can retain your sense of awe and wonder…you know you have found someplace remarkable.

We were on our way, looking for the perfect camping spot.  A truck approached us at rapid speed.  He told us that a couple in a Jeep needed help with a flat tire.  We went to see what we could do to help.  This naïve young man was driving a rental Jeep, with street tires, in the desert when a sharp rock sliced the sidewalls of both tires on the driver’s side.  He had replaced the front tire but he needed another spare to replace the torn rear tire.  Our tires were too big to be of use.  We offered them water and food and blankets.  The guy said he was going to try to drive out on three good tires.  We wished them well and turned to find our overnight campsite.  We hadn’t gone very far when we decided that we needed to go back and at least follow the guy so that if he ran into bigger trouble, he had someone there to assist.  We were following them, very slowly when two old guys in Jeeps drove up.  They had the spare tire that would work.  They sent us on our way.  We hope that if we are ever in a situation where we need help, there will be someone to stop.  We have seen over and over again, that out there in the wilderness, people lend a hand.  People are good!

We entered Sandstone Canyon and there were some very narrow passes.

We did find the perfect camping spot.  We set up and enjoyed the last lingering moments of daylight.  We ate grilled chicken and pecans with apples and grapes on field greens with grilled garlic flatbread.  We watched the sun slip behind the cliff walls.  We watched bats creep from the rock crevices and flit about, flying erratically to feed. 

The moon rose as the sunlight was fading.

In our tent, the moon roof was open and the almost full moon shone brightly. 

We got up in the middle of the night and the whole world looked like an old time black and white photograph, except for the gleaming stars.

Out Tent Camping Again

We were able to have enough internet to post the blog for the past two days. Today, Wednesday February 24th, we are off on another tent camping adventure in Sandstone Canyon near Ocotillo Wells. We will post about our adventure tomorrow evening.

Ramble On

February 23, 2021 Ramble On

Mountain Palm Springs Campground Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Julian, California Day 2

The 2/3 full moon was so bright last night that you could walk outside without a flashlight.  Only the major constellations were visible.  At 4:30 when I got up, the moon had set.  There was a multitude of stars and the familiar white haze of the Milky Way and it was dazzling.  I watched the stars as I lay back in bed.  What a wonderful luxury.  The furnace didn’t come on until nearly 5:00am.  The temperatures plummet just before dawn and then the morning sun quickly warms the air. 

I started my walk on the sandy road back to the paved highway.  Our campsite.

I entered the wash and took meandering paths carved into the desert by monsoon rains.

There were all kinds of bunny tracks and coyote prints.  The sand is bright white and coarse, scoured and abraded by wind and rain and scorching heat, from granite boulders. 

I saw several jackrabbits roused by my approach, nimble and quick, bounding from their daytime hiding places in burrows beneath the protection of thorny bushes.  Sometimes, all I glimpsed were the black tips of their ears in motion and showing among the cholla.

Hawks, ever watchful perched on the highest branches of ocotillo.

I returned to the RV and was eating my yogurt when I saw a pair of coyotes prowling along the ridge.

It was just a short distance to the Jeep trail into Indian Gorge.  We didn’t realize that we were climbing until we arrived at the end and turned to see the valley below.

We took a second trail into the Canyon Sin Nombre…without a name.  This trail passed through a canyon.

Then, we were in a wash for a long time. 

We found a slot canyon where we enjoyed our lunch and then a hike.  At the end there were giant rocks blocking our way.  Tim climbed over the first set and I was willing to do the same until he said there were many more obstacles like it ahead.  We turned back to the Jeep, the hike at its ending place.

We took another trail just south of Bow Willow Campground.

When we got back to the RV, it was 89 degrees inside.  We opened the windows to let the breeze flow through and enjoyed some afternoon quiet time.

We spent time again watching the desert.  Then steamed broccoli and grilled tuna steaks with teriyaki glaze for our meal.

Seen on a road marker:

This is the desert

There is nothing out here


Just Us

February 22, 2021 Just Us

Mountain Palm Springs Campground Anza-Borrego Desert State Park Julian, California

One last walk along the Colorado River in Yuma.  Farewell to this quirky campground.

I found this kindness rock on the path today…I am finding joy!

I am so keen to see critters while I am out.  I sometimes conjure animals out of rocks and logs and bushes.  In my defense, today it actually was an animal!  Each time I have walked along the river, I have been looking for the river cats or bobcats that live here.  Today I saw movement far ahead on the path.  It was a light-colored animal.  I was talking with my mother on the phone…I thought I was seeing a bobcat!  As I approached, I could see that it was this beautiful golden retriever, his owner had him off-leash and had walked a good distance away.  I was kind of disappointed!

Another pretty bird.

Today we drove away from Yuma and into southern California.  We passed through El Centro.  This interesting water tower has a sea level mark halfway up! 

We knew we were in California because the gas prices are well over $4.00. 

We passed acres of solar panels.

And of course, miles of wind turbines.

We entered Anza-Borrego State Park, on the winding and scenic road.

We have stayed at Mountain Palm Springs Road Campground before.  Today, we were the only campers here. 

We took a great hike today only 1 mile each way but challenging because we were clambering over rock obstacles in the canyon.  There are palms here fed by an underground water source.  Long ago, overland travelers would look for palms in the desert aware that where the palms could grow and thrive, there would be water. 

We spent the rest of the day sitting in the brilliant sunshine, watching the desert, reading, and relaxing.  We watched the sunset and grilled bison burgers.  It is very peaceful and lovely here.  We have no phone service and no hookups…but that doesn’t matter for a couple of days.  It is refreshing to be unplugged!

Getting Ready To Go

February 21, 2021 Getting Ready To Go

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 7

I got up and started the laundry and then went to run errands.  I wanted to be out and get done before everyone else got out of bed or out of church.  I got groceries and water and gas and mailed some cards at the post office.  I spent most of the morning getting the clothes washed and dried. 

Tim fixed the shower drain.

We needed to get our exercise in.  Tim wanted to ride bikes but it was very windy, 16mph with gusts.  It isn’t that fun to ride in that kind of wind.  I wanted to walk.  So, Tim decided to ride the 13 miles to Somerton.  That way, the wind would be at his back.  In the meantime, I walked 4 miles in the park and then left to go and get him.  Win – win!

This afternoon we did some organizing and cleaning and reading and relaxing.  Neither of us took any pictures today…very unusual.

Tomorrow we leave Yuma and will travel to southern California.  We will probably stay at Mountain Palm Springs Campground, a remote campground in the wilderness.  It is part of the Anzo-Borrego State Park and is just north of Ocotillo.   We have liked staying here at Riverfront.  It was much quieter and more friendly and closer to West Wetlands which made it so much easier to walk and bike. 

I am not sure if we will have internet to post the blog for the next several days but we will get caught up again as soon as we reach civilization!

Epic Canyon Hike

February 20, 2021 Epic Canyon Hike

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 6

We slept well in our cozy nest.  We got up at 2am and while we were up, we looked at the stars.  It was a calm and gorgeous.  We heard owls and coyotes off and on all night.  Tim also heard a burro somewhere not too far away…snorting and braying…maybe we were in his camping spot!

I woke up to watch the sky turn pink and tangerine. 

Coffee in the desert tastes so good.

We also had a morning fire.

Yesterday, a family in an ATV stopped to compliment us on our tent and camping spot.  They told us that there was an epic hike in the canyon below to the “bear” caves.  We decided to drive down and take the walk.  We drove the Jeep into the wash as far as we could.  When it became too narrow, we got out to walk.  It was about ¼ mile to the end of the canyon.  There were all sorts of caves.  We are so glad that we knew to go there!

Tim drove out to the road and I walked.  It was slow trudging in the soft gravel wash but I really wanted to be out and moving.

We took another couple of gravel roads, slowly making our way back.

Back at the RV, we needed some rest time, but then we got up and rode our bikes all the way to the Mexican border wall.  Our faces were in the wind on the way…but oh how nice it was to fly back!

Tim ordered Mexican food and went to get it for our dinner while I worked on sorting pictures and writing the blog.  Another very good day!

Ferguson Lake

February 19, 2021 Ferguson Lake

Riverfront RV Park Yuma, Arizona Day 5

The duck was sitting along the canal preening itself…waiting for the man.

I took a great walk along the river.

West Wetlands Park was the Yuma City Dump.  A group of concerned citizens had the idea to reclaim the riverfront and create a park.  With state and federal funding, the riverfront was replanted with native trees; cottonwoods, ironwoods, and mesquite trees. A complex system of irrigation keeps the trees healthy.  The park opened in 2007 and has undergone a series of improvements according to the master plan.  It looks different every time we come back to Yuma.  The habitat for birds and animals had been restored.  You would never guess that this area was a landfill.

We spent the morning packing the Jeep with food and bedding and started out on our second RTT adventure. 

We stopped at the Cloud Museum and just took a couple of pictures of the collection from the parking lot.

Our next stop was Imperial Date Gardens.  We picked up some figs, some date butter, and a fresh loaf of date nut bread. 

We drove on Ferguson Road to Ferguson Lake.  We took this Jeep ride a couple of weeks ago and loved it so much, we wanted to come back and see the rest.  This is a really inhospitable, barren desert area.  The rocks are volcanic and tinkle like glass when they fall against one another.  They are sharp and craggy.  But it is beautiful here just the same.

We could see smoke from a rather large fire for miles before we found the source.  Farmers were burning off a couple of fields.

The feral burros are made of tough stuff.  They are able to navigate on narrow paths through the loose, gravel.  I’m not sure what they are eating, though judging from the quantity of “road apples” they are scrounging up some bits of grass and other vegetation.  They don’t get too close but they don’t run away either…they just eye us warily as we pass by.

We drove all the way down to the lake and had our lunch.

A memorial to a helicopter search and rescue crew.

We chose our campsite on the ridge.  

There was no wind and no forecast for wind.  We set up and spent the afternoon enjoying fantastic views and warm sunshine.

Tim made a video.

We watched the sunset.

We cooked omelets stuffed with corn and beans and chicken and onions and peppers.  We ate the sweet dense date nut bread too.

We enjoyed music, a nice bottle of malbec, and a fire as the stars came out.  It was dark and quiet.  We did hear an owl and then later the howling of lots of coyotes coming from the direction of the lake. 

This roof top tent is allowing us to experience the wilderness in a way that we otherwise would not.  We are so lucky to be doing this!