Another Day in Warm Paradise

January 28, 2021 Another Day in Warm Paradise

Arizona West RV Park Day 15

As I walked, I spoke to my mom.  She told me that it was too chilly to walk at home…28 degrees and feels like 18 degrees…NO THANKS!!!  We are terribly spoiled.  We haven’t had to suffer winter for the past many years and we truthfully don’t miss it at all.  The most important aspect for me is the light and the color.  Winter in the northeast is painfully grey.

Tim had an idea to drive to Somerton and ride backroads among the farm fields…I wasn’t feeling it.  He has really wanted to do a long ride and so he left me to clean/scrub the inside of the RV and he cycled the 16+ miles to Somerton.  In fairness, I did urge him to go! He may have found me a lemon (fresh off a tree) for our scallops tonight. 

I met him at Centennial Park with sandwiches and oranges.  We enjoyed a picnic. 

This little hummingbird had been sitting with Tim when I arrived.

It took him a while to return after I got there.  He seemed to be used to people and stayed fairly close.

This afternoon, I spent time talking with friends.   It is so important to stay in touch.

We are making plans and have a list of things to do tomorrow.  Saturday we will venture into California and go a little north.