Fortuna Foothills

January 27, 2021 Fortuna Foothills

Arizona West RV Park Day 14

I started my day at Sprouts.  What a pleasure to shop in a well-stocked, nice grocery store with beautiful produce and lots of meat and fish to choose from.  I went early and it was not at all crowded.  The carts were sanitized and everyone was wearing masks.  When I got back with groceries, Tim was just finishing his morning workout.  We drove to Fortuna Foothills and took a hike.  It was a little windy and chilly but the sun and the work of hiking, kept us warm.  We stayed mostly near the base of the hills.  The winds were fiercer at higher elevations.  It felt really good to be moving and climbing and breathing!

You do have to careful where you place your feet!

Afterward, we drove some of the Jeep trails.

This afternoon, I spent some time doing a few other errands.  We are getting ready to move and we know that resources might be scarcer and that people here in Yuma, for the most part, have been following the mask mandate…not everywhere does…We plan to leave here stocked up.

Tim did laundry while I was out.

We packed our dinner and headed back to Fortuna Foothills.  We ate sushi, sat by a fire, and drank wine while we watched the sunset. 

As we were packing up to go, I noticed a glow around the peak behind us. The almost full moon was rising. We stayed and watched as it made its way beyond the mountains and high into the sky. The full wolf moon is tomorrow.