Muggins Mountain Wilderness

January 25, 2021 Muggins Mountain Wilderness

Arizona West RV Park Day 12

It was raining this morning.  When it stopped, I tried to walk.  I was optimistic because the sky had brightened.

I walked in the campground…just in case…good thing!  I had done about 2 miles when it began to rain again, with cold wind.  I got inside and watched as we had pea-sized hail, thunder, and lightning.

Around 11, the sky brightened again and the forecast was for clearing skies but with lots of wind.  We hadn’t made a plan for the day…we were not sure what to expect weatherwise.  Tim had been looking at Google Maps Satellite feature and had found a Jeep trail that went from north of Yuma, through the Muggins Mountains, and down into Wellton.  We decided to take a chance.  We packed some lunch and off we went. 

We had a hard time finding the trail. The first road we took was blocked off.  The second had a no trespassing sign and was someone’s driveway.  The third road ran in the bottom of a wash and eventually became impassable.  We took Dome Valley Road.  It ran between farm fields.

We saw a muddy road that appeared to lead to a trail into the mountains…we found it!

We may have gotten a little mud on the tires!

It was cool and windy, but it was nice and warm in the Jeep.  The scenery was pretty.

This trail might have been an access/maintenance road for the power lines that run through the range. 

It was rough in places and we needed the 4WD.  We drove about 15 miles in more than 3 hours.  We didn’t pass another car the entire time. 

We wound our way back down the mountains and through the agricultural area in Wellton and back to the RV.

I went out to walk some more.  I have been getting more than 10,000 steps most days and I didn’t want to skip today.  The wind was still whipping and it was a chilly walk…but I know that I am warmer here than I would be at home.  I think that nasty weather is expected in Reisterstown tonight.