Ordinary Day

January 22, 2021 Ordinary Day

Arizona West RV Park Day 9

Another 3+ mile walk in the neighborhood…not too fast moving today after all of yesterday’s walking and cycling.  My legs were pretty tired this morning.

We decided to stay another week here at Arizona West.  We had thought about venturing into southern California…but most camping areas in California are currently closed.  We thought about going to spend some time in Kofa National Wildlife Refuge and dry camping in the desert…but the weather forecast shows nighttime temperatures in the 40’s and even as low as 39…So, I decided that we should stay put!

We tried to get new windshield wipers for the RV but it doesn’t rain much here and they are very special wiper blades so, no luck.  We will have to order them.

We spent a long, quiet afternoon in the RV.  It was cloudy and cool and we both retreated and took naps. 

We did a short bike ride in the neighborhood later.  I grilled fresh salmon and made sauteed brussels sprouts hash with apples.   Just an ordinary day.  We haven’t had one of those in a while!