So Much Fun!

January 21, 2021 So Much Fun!

Arizona West RV Park Day 8

I started my day with a walk.  I have been doing a little more than 3 miles each morning so to challenge myself a little, I am working on increasing my speed.  It was a blue-sky beautiful morning and I enjoyed moving.

Our first order of business was to get our tax package copied and mailed.  We went to FedEx where I was able to get this accomplished in a short time.  The guy working the counter couldn’t have been more kind and helpful.

We took the bikes to West Wetlands Park.

We cruised along the river all the way to the end of the pavement, about 3 miles.  We decided to continue on the gravel canal road.  Organic lettuce crops were planted along the trail. 

We ate a snack at a table along the river and then headed back.  We saw a pair of white pelicans and only one stayed around long enough for a photo op.

We got back to the park entrance and decided that since we were enjoying our ride so much, we would do another lap!

We ate our lunch while sitting on baseball bleachers, and after eating, we were tired and ready to go back to the Jeep.  We cycled about 15 miles.

Tim had the idea to pack a cold picnic dinner and drive to the foothills to watch the sunset.  It was a very good idea!  We ate some smoked salmon with goat cheese and blueberry preserves on flatbread and raw vegetables and hummus too while sipping some Beaujolais. 

We noticed the ocotillo starting to bloom.  We had heard that this desert plant, which looks like a bundle of dry sticks and has super sharp spiny thorns, quickly becomes green and blooms after a rainfall.  

The sunset was lovely.  We watched small bats flitting about in the fading light. 

We took the backroad home.  It was a gravel washboard road that lasted for miles…we don’t need to go that way again!  We had another great day spent outside and together.