Imperial Dam Recreation Area

January 19, 2021 Imperial Dam Recreation Area

Arizona West RV Park Day 6

As I walked, the day began with grey skies and scattered raindrops.

Today’s adventure took us to the Imperial Dam Recreation Area.  We started at West Pond.  We made a snack of a date bar that we purchased yesterday at the date farm.  It was oaty and buttery and filled with sweet dates…so tasty!

There was a pair of white pelicans resting on the rocks with some cormorants.

We took the gravel road past the dispersed camping area. 

Trails wound all over the place up and over the foothills.  The views were incredible as we climbed to higher elevations.

We found this pet cemetery.

Our lunch spot.  Tim climbed down the steep slope and stood at the edge of the gully below.  The gully reached another 20 feet into the earth.

We were loving the scenery and wanted our ride to last longer and so we took Forest Road 800.  We were so glad that we did.

We spotted two feral burros on the ridge.  They moved away from the road as we approached, wary of us, but didn’t run and so we got to get pictures.

View from the top of the hill. The Colorado River from the California side.

It was a good day.  The forecasted rain never materialized and the clouds made for dramatic images.  It is supposed to rain overnight and into tomorrow, perhaps as much as 2 inches.  People who live here look forward to the rain…us…not so much!