Naked Date

January 18, 2021 Naked Date

Arizona West RV Park Day 5

After our morning exercise, we headed out to do a couple of errands. We wanted to get solar panels to use when we are dry camping in lieu of always using the generator to keep our house batteries charged. We went to Wally’s World first. None of the salespeople were wearing masks. COVID numbers are especially high in Arizona…we elected not to stay…we walked out! We stopped at RV World and there too the salespeople are not required to wear masks…It is very disheartening! Why do people refuse to be part of the solution and instead perpetuate the problem. Needless to say, we didn’t even go inside after talking to the guy in the parking lot.

Our next errand was successful. We went to a small bike shop on Main Street in downtown Yuma. Everyone was wearing masks. Tim stayed while the bike man fixed his tire. There were 2 cactus spines in it…a real hazard everywhere here!

We decided to take a drive to the nearby town of Wellton. On the way we passed through a border patrol checkpoint.

Over the mountains.

Into the desert.

There is an organic date farm there that sells all manner of date products and they also serve lunch. I chose an adult grilled cheese sandwich with date jam, garlic, bacon, and cheese on sourdough bread. It was outstanding! Tim had a chicken pesto flatbread and he also enjoyed his meal. We sat outside on the big porch all by ourselves. One of the best things about this place is its remote location in the desert.

Bougainvillea or more commonly called paperflowers.

We saw this gila woodpecker working on a dead branch. If you look closely at the first picture, you can see a bit of orange. It is actually a grub, which the woodpecker enjoyed for his lunch!

The date orchard.

Old tractors.

Old truck.

What a cool place to spend time!

We went on a Jeep ride through the desert. The property abutted the Barry Goldwater Airforce Range.

We crossed over 8W and went north toward the foothills, passing farmfields with of all kinds of cruciferous vegetables…cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage…the air smelled like brussel sprouts until we passed the onion field…then the air was pungently oniony.

Tim drove up into the hills. The sky was blue and the scenery was gorgeous.

It was a great afternoon. We returned to the RV and then around sunset, I took a walk. I should have timed it a little bit differently. The sky was a brilliant orange a short time later. The clouds are moving in. Over the next several days, there is actually a chance for rain here…we shall see…

Feel better Mom. You are in our thoughts and prayers today and everyday!