East Canal Linear Park

January 17, 2021 East Canal Linear Park

Arizona West RV Park Day 4

Another nice quiet walk on neighborhood streets began my day.

In late morning, we packed a lunch and drove the Jeep with our bikes to Caballero Park.  We took the East Canal Trail all the way to West Wetlands Park.  It was a little more than 5 miles with a headwind. 

We saw this roadrunner right away.

We saw some coots and these redhead ducks.

We had our lunch along the river. 

We saw an active bee nest in the tree next to our bench.

We were excited to head back.  We knew that we would be riding downhill and the wind would be behind us, pushing us along. 

I was really enjoying the ride, I hardly had to pedal…but when I said the same to Tim, he replied that he might have a flat tire…we were almost 5 miles from the Jeep.

He was able to nurse the bike along as the tire slowly lost more air.  Finally, it was time to stop.  Tim took my bike back to the car and I waited for him to rescue us…the bike and me!

Tim spent the rest of the day watching football.  I talked with family and did a few chores.  Tomorrow, we need to find a bike shop!