West Wetlands Park

January 15, 2021West Wetlands Park

Arizona West RV Park Day 2

My walk every morning is going to look a little different for the next week or so…walks around the block here at the RV park.

We got sheets and towels washed this morning and then took our lunch and headed to West Wetlands Park for a bike ride.  The trail runs along the Colorado River.

We had a nice tailwind on the way and then we were up against the wind on the way back…but it was a beautiful day to be outside and I am NOT complaining! It was 82 degrees with 9% humidity.

We rode over the berm and cycled around the athletic park.

We passed these celery fields.  At first, I was not sure what was growing here.  I have never seen celery outside of the grocery store! The workers were cutting and trimming the celery. Then it is washed and packaged directly in the field and then sent to Yuma to be shipped across the country.

We enjoyed a light lunch in a park and then rode along the water back to the Jeep.

This evening, we ordered salads from Prison Hill Brewery.  We took our dinner to a courtyard near downtown Yuma. Tim got a growler of chocolate porter.  He hadn’t had beer in months and he really seemed to enjoy it! 

As we were enjoying a second beverage, we saw a falling star drifting slowly from the heavens…it was lovely!