
January 14, 2021 Yuma

Arizona West RV Park Yuma, Arizona

It was dark last night…really dark!  One of the things that we don’t realize is how artificially light our ordinary world really is…electronic devices, street lights, lights from the DVD player and the microwave oven.  In the desert last night on the night of the new moon…it was really dark!

We have visited Painted Rock Petroglyph Site before but I wanted to see it again.  I saved it for my morning walk and in doing so, was able to walk the path all alone.

At first glance, this site looks like any other heap of rocks in the desert but, this is a sacred place.

These petroglyphs have been etched into the accumulated, weathered basalt or desert varnish on the granite rocks.  The first markings were estimated to have been made by indigenous tribes about 7500 BC and then over the course of thousands of years. 

Carvings were also made in the rock by travelers on the Mormon Trail and the Butterfield Stagecoach Trail.

We took 8W across the Sonoran Desert, stopping for breakfast at a rest area along the way.

We crossed the last set of mountains and then Yuma lay below.

We are staying at Arizona West RV Park.  It is a simple place and familiar to us.  We don’t need a fancy luxury park.  We plan to stay put for the next 10 days.  This afternoon was spent setting up, organizing, doing laundry, cleaning, and just enjoying the warm air with our windows open…and our flip flops on!