Visiting Friends

January 10, 2021 Visiting Friends

Catalina State Park Day 2

So, we had no hookups last night…it was 35 degrees…in the RV at 5 this morning it was 40 degrees…BRRRR!!!  We turned on the auxiliary heat at 5 and then at 8 we started the generator and the furnace!  We decided we might switch to a full hookup site if there was one available…we got the last one.  We moved this morning and then I walked 3.5 miles on park trails.

This afternoon we had an invitation from our good friends Lee and Claudia.  We went to their house and enjoyed a wonderful meal of elk steaks.  It was so nice to visit and chat and spend time with kind and gracious people.  We are hoping that our schedules collide and that we can camp together in southern Arizona/California this winter. 

Thank you Lee and Claudia for “getting us” and for amazing hospitality!