Christmas In Atlanta

January 3, 2021 Christmas In Atlanta

We arrived in Atlanta on December 8th. We had such a wonderful time preparing for the holidays and spending time with David and his family. We had so much fun! The boys waited for Christmas to come, opening Advent calendars filled with Lindt chocolate and opening wooden drawers to find dinosaurs and coins and kisses. We made pumpkin bread and painted ornaments and decorated a gingerbread house. We played puzzles and playdoh and colored and read lots and lots of books. We read the Grinch and then watched the movie about eight times. The boys made PopPop made forts with couch cushions and had tickle fights, squeals of laughter echoing through the house.

We baked gingerbread men. The boys each took a cookie and acted out the story…”Run, run as fast as you can…you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!

PopPop and I also took the boys for several hikes at the stream nearby and then also at Stone Mountain. The boys loved being in the woods and throwing pebbles and pinecones in the water. They walked the trails and each day, gained more confidence, scrambling up rocks and over logs. We really enjoyed sharing this with them!

We were so grateful to be here to share Christmas. We went out on Christmas Eve to ring the bells and call Santa. We also sprinkled oatmeal in the yard for the reindeer. There is nothing like the magic of Santa and little boys!

As our time in Atlanta came to a close, we were sad once again to leave. We will savor the memories of cuddles and hugs and playing, playing, playing!!

Happy New Year from us to you!!

2 thoughts on “Christmas In Atlanta

  1. So happy you got to experience the magic of Christmas with your grandchildren.
    Happy new year to you both; be healthy and be safe. I’ll be looking forward to your posts again.

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