Deserted In The Desert

January 30, 2021 Deserted In The Desert

Somewhere on BLM EC633 Winterhaven, California

One last morning walk in the neighborhood around the campground.  The sky was crystal clear.  There was a bunch of activity coming from the Air Station.  I captured this C130 as it passed overhead with a deafening roar.

I did almost 4.5 miles today because today is a travel day and I wasn’t sure I would get a chance later. 

We have stayed in Yuma for more than 2 weeks…that is a really long time for us to stay in one place.  It is noisy here with trains and jets and sirens.  But it has also been relatively warm and Yuma is a great springboard for adventures.  We really liked going to the remote date farm for lunch.  We also had several terrific bike rides on the canal roads and along the Colorado River.  We had wonderful drives in the foothills and a couple of nice sunsets there as well.  Our favorite adventure was the long gravel road to Picacho.  It is though, time to move on.  We get restless and curious and eager to see new places and so we must go.

We had talked about going into southern California.  The stay-at-home orders had been lifted and the campground in Blythe is open.  There is also lots of BLM land where dispersed camping is allowed.  We took 8W to S34, a rough but paved road, into the desert.  After about 15 miles, Tim started to look for a BLM road that we could take to create our own campsite.  This is what he came up with…

Oh, the places he takes me!  Enjoy his video!

Someone before us left behind a pile of firewood.  We got set up and built a fire ring.

We walked around, exploring, soaking in the solitude and the silence.  Tim found an area about ten feet wide with 6 large holes with large openings…

I went in search of these holes, to see for myself but never found them.  I did find several creosote bushes with burrows beneath with 8-inch holes.  We wonder what will come out tonight!!

We spent the afternoon quietly.  Tim started a fire in early evening and we sat and watched the desert and drank wine.

I fixed grilled tuna steaks with teriyaki glaze, a salad of spring mix with blackberries and goat cheese and walnuts and basalmic dressing, grilled baby potatoes with garlic and cheddar cheese, and fresh papaya for dessert.  Doesn’t that sound like a good dinner?

We watched the sunset and then stayed to see the stars come out.  I saw another shooting star.  We could see the haze of the Milky Way.  A pack of coyotes howled not too far away.

Last Day In Yuma

January 29, 2021 Last Day In Yuma

Arizona West RV Park Day 16

Morning walk under cloudy skies with a tiny peek of sun.

After morning exercises, it was time to get stuff done. We rapidly checked off things on our list and then this afternoon, we had some time to play. We decided to take one more bike ride in West Wetlands Park. We ate our lunch along the river. We biked about 8 miles today. The way back was harder with the wind but it was totally worth it!

More chores when we got back and now we are ready to roll but, for a few last minute things.

Friday night…date night…Chipotle chicken salads…hit the spot!

Another Day in Warm Paradise

January 28, 2021 Another Day in Warm Paradise

Arizona West RV Park Day 15

As I walked, I spoke to my mom.  She told me that it was too chilly to walk at home…28 degrees and feels like 18 degrees…NO THANKS!!!  We are terribly spoiled.  We haven’t had to suffer winter for the past many years and we truthfully don’t miss it at all.  The most important aspect for me is the light and the color.  Winter in the northeast is painfully grey.

Tim had an idea to drive to Somerton and ride backroads among the farm fields…I wasn’t feeling it.  He has really wanted to do a long ride and so he left me to clean/scrub the inside of the RV and he cycled the 16+ miles to Somerton.  In fairness, I did urge him to go! He may have found me a lemon (fresh off a tree) for our scallops tonight. 

I met him at Centennial Park with sandwiches and oranges.  We enjoyed a picnic. 

This little hummingbird had been sitting with Tim when I arrived.

It took him a while to return after I got there.  He seemed to be used to people and stayed fairly close.

This afternoon, I spent time talking with friends.   It is so important to stay in touch.

We are making plans and have a list of things to do tomorrow.  Saturday we will venture into California and go a little north. 

Fortuna Foothills

January 27, 2021 Fortuna Foothills

Arizona West RV Park Day 14

I started my day at Sprouts.  What a pleasure to shop in a well-stocked, nice grocery store with beautiful produce and lots of meat and fish to choose from.  I went early and it was not at all crowded.  The carts were sanitized and everyone was wearing masks.  When I got back with groceries, Tim was just finishing his morning workout.  We drove to Fortuna Foothills and took a hike.  It was a little windy and chilly but the sun and the work of hiking, kept us warm.  We stayed mostly near the base of the hills.  The winds were fiercer at higher elevations.  It felt really good to be moving and climbing and breathing!

You do have to careful where you place your feet!

Afterward, we drove some of the Jeep trails.

This afternoon, I spent some time doing a few other errands.  We are getting ready to move and we know that resources might be scarcer and that people here in Yuma, for the most part, have been following the mask mandate…not everywhere does…We plan to leave here stocked up.

Tim did laundry while I was out.

We packed our dinner and headed back to Fortuna Foothills.  We ate sushi, sat by a fire, and drank wine while we watched the sunset. 

As we were packing up to go, I noticed a glow around the peak behind us. The almost full moon was rising. We stayed and watched as it made its way beyond the mountains and high into the sky. The full wolf moon is tomorrow.

East Canal Trail Take 2

January 26, 2021 East Canal Trail Take 2

Arizona West RV Park Day 13

We finished our morning exercise routine and then waited around until lunchtime before making a plan. I know you won’t feel a bit sorry for us, but it was only in the low 50’s. We wanted it to get warmer.

We took our bikes to Caballero Park and rode the East Canal Trail again. We had a nice cross breeze that made pedaling more challenging but not too hard.

We cycled about 6 miles to the community park and ate some apples and protein bars. Then we headed back. The wind was behind us now and we had an uneventful trip back to the Jeep…no flat tires today!

We saw a bunch of ring-necked ducks. They haven’t been in the canals before when we have been biking. They are here for the winter and will return to Canada to breed in the spring.

We might have stopped to get some groceries at Sprouts but it was extremely crowded. So far we have avoided going into any stores, but we need meat and produce. I am going to try to get up and go first thing in the morning.

There is a Marine Corps Bas ehere in Yuma. The jets fly day and night. Sometimes, the jetwash causes the RV to shake! We saw this Osprey tiltrotor aircraft coming in this afternoon.

Muggins Mountain Wilderness

January 25, 2021 Muggins Mountain Wilderness

Arizona West RV Park Day 12

It was raining this morning.  When it stopped, I tried to walk.  I was optimistic because the sky had brightened.

I walked in the campground…just in case…good thing!  I had done about 2 miles when it began to rain again, with cold wind.  I got inside and watched as we had pea-sized hail, thunder, and lightning.

Around 11, the sky brightened again and the forecast was for clearing skies but with lots of wind.  We hadn’t made a plan for the day…we were not sure what to expect weatherwise.  Tim had been looking at Google Maps Satellite feature and had found a Jeep trail that went from north of Yuma, through the Muggins Mountains, and down into Wellton.  We decided to take a chance.  We packed some lunch and off we went. 

We had a hard time finding the trail. The first road we took was blocked off.  The second had a no trespassing sign and was someone’s driveway.  The third road ran in the bottom of a wash and eventually became impassable.  We took Dome Valley Road.  It ran between farm fields.

We saw a muddy road that appeared to lead to a trail into the mountains…we found it!

We may have gotten a little mud on the tires!

It was cool and windy, but it was nice and warm in the Jeep.  The scenery was pretty.

This trail might have been an access/maintenance road for the power lines that run through the range. 

It was rough in places and we needed the 4WD.  We drove about 15 miles in more than 3 hours.  We didn’t pass another car the entire time. 

We wound our way back down the mountains and through the agricultural area in Wellton and back to the RV.

I went out to walk some more.  I have been getting more than 10,000 steps most days and I didn’t want to skip today.  The wind was still whipping and it was a chilly walk…but I know that I am warmer here than I would be at home.  I think that nasty weather is expected in Reisterstown tonight. 

NFL Playoffs

January 24, 2021 NFL Playoffs

Arizona West RV Park Day 11

Today I walked, got a grocery pickup order, and rode my bike around the campground and the neighborhood a couple of times.  The laundry is caught up.  I talked to family.  I also read…a lot.  Tim watched NFL playoffs this afternoon.  Not much to report…no pictures…just a regular restful kind of day.

Picacho State Recreation Area

January 23, 2021 Picacho State Recreation Area

Arizona West RV Park Day 10

We both finished our morning exercise and got ready for a road trip.  We packed the cooler and headed west.  Just over the California line, we followed Picacho Road.  We crossed the American Canal.

It was then that we saw our first sign…4×4 Recommended Beyond This Point.  I swear that this gives Tim a thrill!!  He says that is when the fun begins! 

We started across the desert.  Gradually we began to climb in elevation and the landscape started to change.  We rode along a ridge with sweeping views.

Tim spotted a large bird, a red-tailed hawk. 

Our destination was Picacho State Recreation Area in Winterhaven, California.  This is a very remote park accessible only on these primitive gravel roads or by boat, along the Colorado River.  The first 6 miles were paved then we traveled 18 miles on the dirt road.

This is fee use area.  We had to self-register.  Our fee would have been $9.00, if we had correct change…we put $20.00 in the envelope and went on our way.

We took the Railroad Canyon Trail to the Colorado River Overlook.  Our first glimpse of the river was breathtaking.  This place is so far off the beaten path, rugged and stunning. 

We were initially disappointed that the picnic area at the Lower Dock was crowded.  It turned out to be lucky for us.  We drove further to the Upper Dock and had the whole area to ourselves.  A beautiful setting right along the river. 

We were joined by a couple of American Coots. 

Something else was here this morning before us…maybe a raccoon…maybe a muskrat…

We took every road to the end.  We didn’t want to miss anything!  We saw evidence of carnivores, coyotes and mountain lions, and bobcats live here.  We saw lots of evidence of burros, everywhere, but no encounters. 

We took Indian Pass Road out of the park.  This was also a 4WD trail.  Initially it ran in the bottom of a wash in soft gravel.  As we climbed out of the wash, the road was pretty rough and fun!  The scenery continued to be spectacular.  This was one of the prettiest rides we have taken since Baja!

It was almost 5:00 when we approached Yuma.  We decided to get carryout from Prison Hill.  Tim chose a burger and I had a smoked brisket sandwich.  Tim also chose a porter.  We took our meal to West Wetlands and very much enjoyed our food as we watched the sunset. 

Ordinary Day

January 22, 2021 Ordinary Day

Arizona West RV Park Day 9

Another 3+ mile walk in the neighborhood…not too fast moving today after all of yesterday’s walking and cycling.  My legs were pretty tired this morning.

We decided to stay another week here at Arizona West.  We had thought about venturing into southern California…but most camping areas in California are currently closed.  We thought about going to spend some time in Kofa National Wildlife Refuge and dry camping in the desert…but the weather forecast shows nighttime temperatures in the 40’s and even as low as 39…So, I decided that we should stay put!

We tried to get new windshield wipers for the RV but it doesn’t rain much here and they are very special wiper blades so, no luck.  We will have to order them.

We spent a long, quiet afternoon in the RV.  It was cloudy and cool and we both retreated and took naps. 

We did a short bike ride in the neighborhood later.  I grilled fresh salmon and made sauteed brussels sprouts hash with apples.   Just an ordinary day.  We haven’t had one of those in a while!

So Much Fun!

January 21, 2021 So Much Fun!

Arizona West RV Park Day 8

I started my day with a walk.  I have been doing a little more than 3 miles each morning so to challenge myself a little, I am working on increasing my speed.  It was a blue-sky beautiful morning and I enjoyed moving.

Our first order of business was to get our tax package copied and mailed.  We went to FedEx where I was able to get this accomplished in a short time.  The guy working the counter couldn’t have been more kind and helpful.

We took the bikes to West Wetlands Park.

We cruised along the river all the way to the end of the pavement, about 3 miles.  We decided to continue on the gravel canal road.  Organic lettuce crops were planted along the trail. 

We ate a snack at a table along the river and then headed back.  We saw a pair of white pelicans and only one stayed around long enough for a photo op.

We got back to the park entrance and decided that since we were enjoying our ride so much, we would do another lap!

We ate our lunch while sitting on baseball bleachers, and after eating, we were tired and ready to go back to the Jeep.  We cycled about 15 miles.

Tim had the idea to pack a cold picnic dinner and drive to the foothills to watch the sunset.  It was a very good idea!  We ate some smoked salmon with goat cheese and blueberry preserves on flatbread and raw vegetables and hummus too while sipping some Beaujolais. 

We noticed the ocotillo starting to bloom.  We had heard that this desert plant, which looks like a bundle of dry sticks and has super sharp spiny thorns, quickly becomes green and blooms after a rainfall.  

The sunset was lovely.  We watched small bats flitting about in the fading light. 

We took the backroad home.  It was a gravel washboard road that lasted for miles…we don’t need to go that way again!  We had another great day spent outside and together.