Southern Glades Trail

December 3, 2020

Southern Glades Trail

John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Key Largo, Florida Day 4

I started my day with an easy walk through the campground.  I still got my 2+ miles in but as a slightly slower pace. 

We drove to the parking access area for the South Glades Trail.  We biked for at least 6 miles and then turned around and headed back.  The trail was gravel and kind of bumpy…but the scenery, solitude, and silence made up for the harder work…even the headwind on the way back! 

We saw lots of birds and a gator but the animals here are less used to people presence and they were skittish.

This fish was not laying on the path on our way in. We think that maybe a bird had just dropped it. It was a good ten inches long and still alive. Tim picked it up and tossed him back into the water. The fish eagerly swam away! Happy ending for this guy!

The blue line on the map below is the canal we biked along.

I spent the afternoon doing some errands and then had a marathon online shopping experience.  Christmas is coming and Santa must get her work done!