
December 2, 2020


John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Key Largo, Florida Day 3

At 8am I was on the phone with Holiday RV Repair.  We needed extra help with our steps.  They were fully booked and so were their mobile guys…but they said if we could get there as soon as possible, they would diagnose the problem and see if they could help us out!  We packed up the RV very quickly and we were at the shop before 8:30. 

Lou had they guys look at the steps and they found the problem, they had an extra control panel, and they fixed the steps!!  We were back at Pennekamp by 10:00.  Thanks Holiday RV!

We decided that we would do our usual morning stuff.  Tim did his workout and I went for a great walk.  I also hiked the two nature trails.  I got 3 miles in very easily.

We left in the Jeep at lunchtime and headed for Islamorada or “The Village of Islands.”  We biked along the Overseas Highway or Route 1.   With the glistening blue waters as our scenery, it was a relaxing and lovely ride. 

A stop at a bridge.

Two iguanas resting in the sunshine.  We saw lots more, closer to the trail but they scampered away as we got too close.

The Hurricane Memorial honoring the lives lost in 1935 when a 17-foot tidal surge devastated Islamorada.

Lunch in the park.  These statues are new.  We aren’t sure what they mean…

We were out until late afternoon.  We decided on eggs and mango for our dinner.  Then, we took some wine and went to sit by the beach to watch the stars pop out.